Object Control is used in the online used car lending process

Recently, the software product Object Control, successfully utilized by several insurance companies and banks for remote client communication, has begun to be applied to loans for used cars.

For more details, please read the article published on the website of our technical partner, FinBest.


Working together to create the best service for customers: AUTO.RIA and FinBest have become partners

AUTO.RIA, Ukrainian automotive marketplace that provides customers with exclusive services for the purchase and sale of vehicles, their inspection and evaluation, and FinBest, a marketplace that offers users unique digital financial products and services, have become partners.

Two innovative companies have pooled their efforts to create the best service.

From now on, vehicle owners have access to online lending services provided by partner banks for used cars. AUTO.RIA and FinBest give them the opportunity to quickly and conveniently apply for a loan online with no need to visit a bank office and meet with a loan officer of a financial institution. Today, this is a great advantage, because during wartime, providing reliable remote services means taking care of the lives and safety of our citizens.

AUTO.RIA and FinBest share the same approach to customer service. Services should be as simple as possible, free of excessive bureaucratic procedures, and at the same time reliable and secure. That is why the online lending process for used cars, commercial and agricultural machinery uses Object Control software products developed by FinBest’s technical partner.

By pooling their efforts to provide high-quality remote services, AUTO.RIA and FinBest strive to turn customers into reliable partners who, once they experience the convenience and security of the services, will keep coming back for more.


Source: https://finbest.com.ua/news/auto-ria-and-finbest

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