When developing the Object Control software product, our team aimed to create an easy-to-use remote digital tool for the financial market.
Now, during the war period, financial institutions were “testing” its benefits, and one more partner started to use Object Control as part of its work.
However, no one can evaluate a service better than its user.
We are pleased to present the following publication of ARSENAL INSURANCE IC referring to the use of Object Control
Online car insurance is no longer a surprising thing, but what about its inspection?
Now this option is also available online 🔥
You no longer need to arrange with the manager about the time and place of the car inspection to get a Comprehensive Cover.
Our cooperation with Object Control enables our clients to remotely conduct pre-insurance car inspections.
How can this be done? Well, let’s find out:
🗸 install and log in to the Object Control application ;
🗸 take a photo of the car;
🗸 sign the document using an electronic signature or SMS-code;
🗸 get your insurance policy via e-mail.
* We immediately receive the certificate with photos and all the necessary data.
Do you want to try it?
Contact us in Messenger and we will provide you with more detailed information!
Source: https://www.facebook.com/arsenalstrahovanie
We are not going to rest on our laurels. Stay tuned for more information about our new projects.
Working together, working for the victory!
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